Restorative Yoga

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Name: Restorative Yoga
Date: May 1, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM MDT
Event Description:
Join Carrie for Restorative Yoga, a slow and restful practice. It is a limited number of relaxing asanas (poses) held longer than those in a yoga exercise class. The use of folded blankets and bolsters support relaxation and reduce stress in poses that are done without stretching and muscle contracting work. The rejuvenation of Restorative Yoga gives one the chance to turn inward and release the day-to-day tension.
Taspen's DragonFly or on Zoom
 In Studio
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday May 1st at 5:30pm - 6:30pm 
Contact Information:
Donation Based
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